Portrait Drawing Long Pose

Portrait Drawing Long Pose

Evening Class | Available

5:00 PM-8:00 PM EST on Wed

Portrait Drawing Long Pose

Evening Class | Available

This class provides a step-by-step approach to drawing portraits from life. After an initial demo, students will begin a 12 week long pose of the portrait, working simple to complex. Beginning with linear statements, they will capture general proportions, and then slowly add detail. Once the linear stages are complete, students will proceed to render the forms of the face in a stepwise fashion.

Throughout the class, a heavy emphasis will be put on the structure of a portrait from an anatomical standpoint and how this relates to form, giving students an understanding of what they are looking at. This will include the structure of the skull, the planes of the face, and the shape and structure of the features of the face.

John’s teaching method includes one on one critiques, demos, and lectures, where necessary. The portraits will be drawn in graphite.

Asimacopoulos, John
John Asimacopoulos

John Asimacopoulos started as a student at the Academy of Realist Art Boston in September 2015, after making the decision to switch from a medical career to pursue an artistic one. His studies did not go to waste though, as they gave him knowledge, and appreciation of the human body, especially through his study of anatomy, which included dissection. John applied what he learned, and started teaching artistic anatomy, and figure drawing at the school in 2018. He graduated from the school in 2021.

He has won numerous awards, including two Art Renewal Center scholarships in 2017, and 2019, the John F. and Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship Fund in 2017, the Head Start Student Competition in 2017, and second place in the Richeson Still Life & Floral Competition in 2021. He has been involved in group shows at Bowersock Gallery in Provincetown, and the Portsmouth Music and Arts Center. He has also juried for the 3rd Annual Northeast Fine Arts Exhibition in 2021.

He is currently working on a series of narrative paintings exploring the theme of transformation.

You can find his work on Instagram here