Crucial to experienced painters and beginning artists alike are the foundations of drawing the human figure. A successful draft of the figure requires elegantly simplifying the subject to its most basic framework, but, once mastered this simple construct yields great dividends as the piece progresses.
In this course, students will receive individual instruction in drafting the human figure using the same academic method as they would from observing a live model. Particular focus will be given to achieving dynamic gesture and conveying elements such as proportion, mass, and perspective all while portraying only what information is necessary. Poses range from three to six hours.
Those wishing to gain experience with the human figure and/or develop a more systematic approach to drawing and painting should consider taking this class. There are no prerequisite courses needed and all levels are welcome.
Note: There is no rendering in this class. It gets the student as far as a fully articulated line drawing, or what is known as the ‘cartoon’. At this point, the drawing is ready to be transferred, and rendered in charcoal, graphite, etc. OR painted.