Arts and College Admissions: An Introductory Presentation
In-Person: Teen | This program has been canceled
Whether a student is interested in pursuing the arts in college as a major or simply loves creative expression in itself, this workshop is designed to help students and families understand how arts involvement can be an impactful component of any college application.
We will cover essentials such as the different type of arts programs and degrees, how to present arts involvements and artwork to colleges during the admissions process, and what to look for in a college for those arts-engaged students.
The presentation by Rachel Katzman, owner of Katzman Advising, a private college counseling service, will offer a Q+A session at the end, as well as a list of “arts-strong” colleges and resources.
Rachel (duplicate) Katzman
Rachel Katzman holds an EdM in Arts in Education from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, and prior to working in college advisor, taught arts-integrated curriculum in museums and high schools across the country. She is now the owner and founder of Katzman Advising, a Belmont based private practice specializing in college admissions. You can learn more about Rachel and her approach to college admissions at