Portrait Painting Fundamentals

Portrait Painting Fundamentals

Workshop | This program is completed

All Levels

Jul 19-23, 2021

9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri


Cost is $350 for art educators and $550 for regular registrations.

This workshop introduces fundamental portrait painting concepts based on the curriculum of Studio Incamminati. Through a series of exercises, students learn principles and direct painting methods necessary to paint a portrait from life. Exercises begin with a dynamic approach to grasping the gesture of the head with paint, teaching students to see and build from simple to complex. Studies progress from monochromatic grisaille painting to value and color studies. Concepts covered include construction of the head with simple planes, anatomical landmarks, value relationships, and modeling form with values.

Color study exercises explore basic color theory and the effect of light on form and will include full color and limited palette exercises. Paint handling, edges, and the stages of developing a portrait from life will be explored in this direct painting approach. Daily instructor demonstrations and discussions clearly explain an approach to study influenced by the teachings of Nelson Shanks. An extended pose over the last two days offers students the option to develop a longer portrait.

All levels of artists are welcome to attend; the workshop is not limited to educators.
The content of this workshop meets the standards for the National Art Education Association. Educators will be provided with a certificate for continuing education credits.