Portrait Painting Fundamentals for Art Educators (Online)

Workshop | This program has been canceled


Jul 6-10, 2020

9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri


Through a series of exercises, students learn principles and direct painting methods necessary for painting a portrait from life using fundamental portrait painting concepts based on the Studio Incamminati curriculum.

Exercises begin with a dynamic approach to grasping the gesture of the head, teaching students to simplify and build from simple to complex. Studies will progress from a monochromatic “grisaille” painting to value and limited palette studies.

Concepts covered include construction of the head, simple planes, anatomical landmarks, value relationships and modeling form. Limited palette exercises explore developing light on form, temperature and the basic Zorn palette.

Paint handling, edges, and the stages of developing a portrait will be explored in this direct, alla prima approach. Morning sessions include shorter exercises, followed by longer afternoon poses.

The last two days students study and paint a longer portrait. Daily instructor demonstrations and discussions clearly explain the concepts taught, and explore ways educators can apply the concepts and skills to the classroom. All levels of artists can benefit from the instruction.