Figurative Black and White Form Painting

Class | This program is completed


Jan 16-Mar 27, 2019

6:00 PM-9:00 PM on Wed


Students focus on the rendering of three-dimensional form on a two-dimensional surface.The goal is to render a full sculptural figure that utilizes a full value range, edge control and accurate value calibration to disrupt the flat surface of the support with a convincing illusion of projecting and receding three-dimensional space.

Students have the option of working in traditional black and white grisaille, or of working in a limited color palette (options of which can be discussed, or the student can work with his or her preferred limited palette if they have one).

Students begin with freehand linear gesture drawing (with our wet medium: oil paint), using straight lines and angles and a fully extended arm. Then we transition into working with mass by blocking in the shadows and wiping out the lights, in broad but accurate shapes. Each additional step should be viewed as an opportunity to further correct and refine the drawing.

Next. we will begin to break the large, broad shapes we have established into smaller shapes, further refining the figure. In this stage, we will employ anatomy and structural concepts to track forms and drape shadows. Tracking forms simply means following anatomical features from origin to insertion in order to make subtle shifts to the light and shadow shapes that will serve to make the image more convincing.

Next we begin to work within the light mass, taking into account the relative angle of the form to the light source, and the proximity of the form to the light source. We establish value zones accountable to the proximity. A sphere demo will be used at this point to elucidate these concepts. From here we will work in smaller and smaller shapes utilizing smaller brushes, increasingly subtle value shifts and edge control until we no longer regard our two-dimensional surface as such, but as a three-dimensional illusion instead.