Hemingway in His Youth

Hemingway in His Youth

Class | Available (Membership Required)

1200 Market Street (on UTMB Campus) Galveston, TX 77555-0972 United States
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Hemingway in His Youth

Class | Available (Membership Required)

Hemingway could be something of a Jackass as human being; nut as a literary stylist, he's of overwheling importance. Thematically, he and F. Scott Fitzgerals are tied as interpreters of what Gerturde Stein dubbed "The Lost Generation" of Post-WWII writers. I'll be working from the library of America's first Hemingway volume, taking his work up to 1926 and including his breakthrough novel The Sun Also Rises." We'll take a look at "A Moveable Feast", his vivid memoir of 1920s Paris. (Limit 35)

  • No class March 21.