NEW Course proposals can be submitted by anyone wishing to be an ICL course instructor. All new classes must be approved by the ICL council prior to the start of each semester.  Instructors must agree to the ICL course guidelines and code of ethics. They do not receive compensation, other than free membership and parking if they qualify.

Please complete the following form to tell us a little more about yourself and your proposed course.
Note: Course proposals and updates must be submitted using this form.  Proposals or updates will not be accepted by phone or email.



Required fields are denoted by *--. You are in the PERSONAL INFORMATION section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.
NOTE: If this is to update an already accepted proposal, you still need to fill out all required (*) fields.
* New/Update?
If this is an update, please note the fields that are changed from your original proposal
(e.g., description, email, classroom needs, preferences, etc.)


Required fields are denoted by *--. You are in the Address section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.

Course Description

Required fields are denoted by *--. You are in the Course Description section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.


Required fields are denoted by *--. You are in the Instructor section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.
Educational background and/or experience relevant to proposed course, as you would like it to appear in the course catalog (500 characters max).

Course Specifics

Required fields are denoted by *--. You are in the Course Specifics section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.
50 min courses strongly recommended and preferred and is more consistent with adult learning theory.  If you insist on 90 minutes, your options for classrooms and times will be reduced.
* Number of Sessions
* Class Time Length
* Course Semesters
# Sessions, start week, end week,
weeks teaching/not teaching, etc.
* Class Structure (Proposed)
Classroom Needs (Check all that apply)

Add here description of workshop or field trip structure if applicable or any additional comments regarding your course.

Preferred Days

Required fields are denoted by *--. You are in the Preferred Days section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.
Indicate your preferences for teaching days.
* Monday
* Tuesday
* Wednesday
* Thursday
* Friday
* Saturday

Preferred Times

Required fields are denoted by *--. You are in the Preferred Times section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.
Indicate your preferred teaching times
* Morning
* Afternoon
* Evening

Vehicle Information

Required fields are denoted by *--. You are in the Vehicle Information section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.

Instructors who teach at least 5 courses per semester are eligible for a free student-level parking permit. You must provide the following information for up to two vehicles.

* Note: You must fill out ALL fields for each vehicle you plan to park on campus.
* Vehicle State
Vehicle 2 State


Required fields are denoted by *--. You are in the Terms section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.
CODE OF CONDUCT: I understand that there shall be no conflict of interest between a class instructor or guest speaker and the subject matter or interest of the students attending the ICL activity in question. I further understand that no person associated with ICL is permitted to, or may cause to sell, mention products, services, or recruit regarding any business activity, during any ICL activity. (Please consult Article 5 of the ICL Code of Conduct for further elaboration of conflict of interest.

All ICL course subjects and instructors will meet the same general standards as Utaht Tech University (UTU).  ICL expects course proposals to accurately represent the content that will be presented, providing sufficient information for review.  Instructors are expected to perform due diligence in creating course content, ensuring information is not biased, a misrepresentation of facts, or making spurious claims.

ICL reserves the right to exercise discretion in evaluating and approving courses.

RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT: I the undersigned, in conjunction with the Institute for Continued Learning (ICL) allowing me to register for participation in ICL classes and activities, do freely and voluntarily agree to release, save, hold harmless,, and indemnify ICL from any and all claims of loss, injury or damage, suit, action, demand, fine, judgement, or decree and any expense thereof, including a reasonable attorney's fee that may happen or occur to me as a result of or consequence of having attended and/or participated in any ICL class or activity. This release includes all representatives of said organization including staff, volunteers, affiliates, directors, sponsors or other employees. ICL does not carry an accident or health insurance policy on participants. A participant is responsible for costs incurred as a result of accident or injury. ICL will not be held responsible or liable for any accident or injury unless there is negligence on our part. If I participate in any off-campus activities associated with ICL, I further agree that: 1. I understand that there is a risk of injury resulting from participation in the activity or event. I assume full responsibility for my personal health and well-being and my personal property while participating in this activity; and, 2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and, 3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If, however, I observe any unusual or significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the activity of instructors or coordinators. I certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct and to the best of my knowledge and that I have read the Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement and the Code of Conduct, I fully understand the terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement. I understand that ICL dues are not tax deductible. By entering my name below, I certify that I understand and agree with the Code of Conduct and the Release of Liability.
Check the above box to indicate that you have read and acknowledge the ICL Course Guidelines and Code of Ethics.

Note: If you need to clear all fields in this form, logout, and then log in again.