Shakespeare for Groundlings

Shakespeare for Groundlings

Class Continues: Spring | Registration opens Friday, January 3, 2025 9:30 AM MST

Science, Engineering and Technology -, --   United States
Room 501
Classroom only
Wednesday, January 15, 2025-Wednesday, April 9, 2025
1:00 PM-1:50 PM MST on Wed

Shakespeare for Groundlings

Class Continues: Spring | Registration opens Friday, January 3, 2025 9:30 AM MST

This semester we'll have a fascinating and in-depth study of the four Shakespeare plays to be performed at the Utah Shakespeare Festival’s 2025 season including the background of Shakespeare, his time, and the beginning of modern theatre.

Why Shakespeare for Groundlings? It is because Shakespeare didn’t write for Shakespeare scholars, high school English teachers, or English literature majors. At that time none existed. He wrote for us (Groundlings). The Globe Theatre held about 3000 theatre goers; most were “Groundlings” who paid one penny, about $2.50 in today’s US dollars, to stand and watch. The betters, who mostly came to be seen in their finery than to see, sat in the seats encircling the Groundlings. Join us Groundlings as together we enjoy the Bard and what it means to be human!

No class on March 12 (Spring Break)
Carl Rich

Carl Rich: History and Political Science major, University of Utah; Drama, Utah State University. He has worked in radio/TV and stage production and as a writer, photographer, and webmaster.