Compassionate Communication

Compassionate Communication

Class: Repeats in Spring | Available (Membership Required)

Holland Centennial Commons -, --   United States
Room 477
Classroom only
Wednesday, January 15, 2025-Wednesday, March 5, 2025
3:00 PM-4:20 PM MST on Wed

Compassionate Communication

Class: Repeats in Spring | Available (Membership Required)

As we age, we often encounter new kinds of problems in our relationships. If one spouse is slowing down and the other wants to stay active, how is this conflict resolved? How do we create and maintain the intimate relationships with our adult children that we all crave? How do we say and hear “no” in a way that preserves connection with the other person? How do we grieve in a way that is nurturing? How do we find rewarding new friendships if our spouse has passed on?

This course teaches a way of communicating that is designed to overcome the habits that we have all learned, that make it difficult to have connection and intimacy in our relationships. We will learn what it takes to be a good listener and how this can enhance relationships. We will explore our feelings and needs and discover where the responsibility lies for getting our needs met. We will work on changing our habit of focusing on responsibility, blame, demands and punishment into a vocabulary of observations, feelings, needs and requests.

This is an 8-week class.
Bruce Campbell

Bruce Campbell holds a Doctorate in Political Science (political behavior) studying public choice behavior. Since 2010, he has studied, taught and practiced Nonviolent Communication, including offering the course described above numerous times for ICL.