Interpretive Flower Painting

Interpretive Flower Painting

PD-Class | This class has been canceled

600 St. Andrews Blvd Winter Park, FL 32792 United States




9:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Wed


Member Discount Available

Flowers are wondrously diverse – exuberant, beautiful, mysterious, dramatic and shy. In this class, students will paint their perceptual and emotional response to flowers. For each session, the instructor will bring in new flowers, as well as poems about flowers to prime the creative pump. Instructor will show how tweaking edges, color, value and composition can capture the “personality” of flowers. Open to oil, acrylic, and pastel painters. Skill level: Intermediate

  • 6 week class.
  • Students should bring the tools (eg., brushes and palette knife) and surfaces (canvas, paper, or both) they are accustomed to working with. Surfaces should be at least 10 inches in width or length. (Oil and acrylic painters are advised to bring at least titanium white, cadmium yellow light, alizarin crimson, and ultramarine blue (yellow ochre, cadmium red, and Prussian or cerullean blue also welcome). The studio has easels (for standing and table) for students to use, if desired. Instructor will provide different flower arrangements for each class session.
Ross, Robert

A member of Crealde's Painting & Drawing faculty, Robert Ross's paintings have been exhibited in a growing number of venues throughout Central Florida, including Anita Wooten Gallery at Valencia State College, Winter Park City Hall, Orlando City Hall, Maitland City Hall, Orange County Chambers, Gallery at Avalon Island, and Casselberry Art House.  He has been in the Winter Park Paint Out sponsored by the Albin Polasek Museum, and he has won several awards for his paintings in the Winter Park Autumn Art Festival.  He received his art education at Oakland University, Crealde School of Art and in master workshops taught by Stuart Shils.  He is represented by Art on Douglas Gallery in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.