226-Beginner Watercolor
In Person | Available
Learn to paint with watercolor - a medium known for its translucence and ability to portray light. This class will cover the materials and tools commonly used, basic techniques in painting with watercolor, and combine these skills to complete a finished painting. The materials list, will be discussed In depth during the first class. Please purchase the supplies on the links to either Dick Blick or Jerry’s Artarama prior to the first class. The materials list contains more information about these links. This class is ideal for those who have never painted with watercolors and those wanting a refresher of the basics.
Class Level: Adult and Teens 16+ (Beginner)
- Wendy Hallstrom recommended supplies for getting started with watercolor.
Sources for purchase:
- Jerry's Artarama - jerrysartarama.com, store on Rte. 1 in Lawrenceville
Dick Blick - dickblick.com, store right off I-78 in Allentown, PA
Cheap Joe's - cheapjoes.com
To make it easier to purchase supplies, you can use one of these 2 links. Each list
- contains the basic supplies you need to get started. Feel free to use any supplies you already have at home. Duplicates are included for most items in case an item runs out.
- I’ve included comments about each item below to help with purchasing. If you have any questions, please email me at whhallstrom@gmail.com or call me at 908-713-1191. I am more than happy to help you out.
Link for the list on dickblick.com
- https://www.dickblick.com/lists/blicku/08HPXBLIVK64Z/items/
Link for the list on jerrysartarama.com
- http://email.jerrysartarama.com/c/
- eJxNjc1uxCAMhJ8muTVybMLPgcMetu_hEKdQkbYCVHbfvuyt0sjfyLZmDu_CudKcPAIC
- IBpEIILlpu53sMODmxRsDizhW5cdFy6NC1-8hO9rjt6ch9aAVlnNpxjnwm4NOEVuW3m1
- OGcfW_upE90mfB_qvSfUsqz_
- k8ahyYcopSeasyptrH5TdIH0tchjxePMTYMSOfuCEiJ0tasrDE4AxwINch4mYvvM
- XLOtZWRrODj4pRfLX-8Ekde
If the link doesn’t work, click on the “Artist’s Resources” tab, choose “Find my Lists”
- under Students, enter Hallstrom in the search and my list should come up.
Plastic palette preferably with a lid. The palette is used for storing and mixing your
- paints. A large, open mixing area is ideal. To save money, you may use a plastic
- plates. Plastic is ideal because it is easy to clean and is lightweight.
Brushes - Two brushes are needed to start. The first is a flat wash brush, sometimes
- called a mop, 3/4" to 1" wide. The second is a round, sometimes called a pointed
- round, in size 10 or 12. Make sure the brushes are specified for watercolor. On the
- lists are brands I have tried and like.
Mounting board - any stiff surface for holding the paper flat during painting. An old
- cutting board, thin plywood, drawing board, or even foam board
Painters tape - the blue tape that house painters' use. You don’t need expensive artist’s
- tape.
Paper - 140 lb cold press watercolor paper - I recommend the Fabriano 25% cotton rag
- paper for beginners. If the 100% rag paper is on sale, go ahead and purchase some for later in the class.
Paint - A high quality student grade paint in tubes such as: Winsor Newton Cotman, Grumbacher Academy or Soho Urban Artist is recommended. Brands such as Artist’s Loft, or the paint that comes in the all-in-one kits is very poor quality and difficult to handle.
- Sometimes it is cheaper to purchase the paint in sets. As a minimum, I recommend the following colors:
- Cadmium yellow
- Cadmium red
- Alizarin crimson
- Ultramarine blue
- Cerulean blue
- Sap green
- Raw sienna OR yellow ocher (don’t need both)
- Burnt umber
- Violet (Winsor or dioxazine)
Optional, but nice to have:
Payne’s gray
- Burnt Umber
Pencil - HB or No. 2
Erasers- white polymer and kneaded
2 good size water cups - large yogurt containers are perfect
Toilet tissue - better than paper towels for blotting & lifting
Paper towels
Optional supplies:
- White candle for paint resist (old white taper is best - even a nub will be enough)
Masking fluid
Mr. Clean magic eraser
Notes on the paint sets on the purchase links:
Grumbacher 12 Paint Set
- If you purchase this set, please purchase 1 tube of violet, the 3/4” flat brush and the 10 of 12 round brush. The brushes in this kit are too small for the exercises we will be doing.
The palette provided is acceptable, but you should also use an additional plate or other flat plastic surface for an additional mixing area.
- Winsor & Newton Cotman 12 Paint Sets
- If you purchase either of these sets, please purchase 1 tube of violet, the 3/4” flat brush and the 10 of 12 round brush. The brushes in this kit are too small for the exercises we will be doing. One set includes a palette. This palette is acceptable, but you should also use an additional plate or other flat plastic surface for an additional mixing area.
Wendy Hallstrom
Wendy is a multidisciplinary artist in watercolor, acrylics, egg tempera and pysanky. She has exhibited in New Jersey and the surrounding area, and her work is in private collections. She teaches watercolor and pysanky (Ukrainian egg dying).