136-Color Exploration!

136-Color Exploration!

Adult Workshop | This class is completed

2020 Burnt Mills Road Bedminster, NJ 07921 United States

Ceramics Studio

Adult-All Levels

3/22/2019 (one day)

9:30 AM-2:30 PM on Fri



Dive into your palette and explore ways to infuse color into your
artwork. Even a little bit of color can invigorate a moderate painting. Through various exercises, students will learn how to produce a more vibrant color palette in their future works. Lessons on saturation, value and temperature will be shown and demonstrated through various subject matters. Work in any medium desired, and any skill level is acceptable!

  • Work in any medium desired. Bring your supplies in whichever medium you choose to work in. Demonstrations in oil or acrylic and pastel will be given.
  • Students will have the choice of working from a photograph of their choosing (please bring several to class if you plan on working from one specific subject) or work from the set up and photos provided by instructor.
  • In this class students can use any painting medium they choose. If you already own materials, bring whatever supplies you have already.
  • Are you new to art and do not specifically work in any medium? No worries! Below are lists of some basic supplies you can work in if you choose, acrylic or oil or pastel:
  • Recommended for Oil Painting
  • • A variety of synthetic Brushes
  • • Disposable palette paper
  • • Masterson Palette box
  • • Turpinoid, (the original blue and white container works best versus the natural kind.) • Glass or metal container for the turpinoid
  • • Recommended colors, but all not entirely necessary: Alizarin crimson, cadmium red, ultramarine blue, white, burnt sienna, yellow ochre, cadmium yellow, sap green, white. If there are other colors you like, feel free to get those as well!
  • • Canvas pad, (not canvas paper) or any type of canvases will work great.
  • Recommended for Acrylic Painting
  • • Variety of synthetic brushes
  • • Disposable palette paper
  • • Suggested colors: Alizarin crimson, cadmium red, ultramarine blue, white, burnt
  • sienna, pthalo blue, cadmium yellow medium, lemon yellow, black, white. If there
  • are other colors you like, feel free to get those as well! (bright and bold for this workshop)
  • • Canvas pad, (not canvas paper) or any type of canvases will work great.
  • Recommended for Pastels
  • A set of NUpastels by prismacolor, and pastel mat paper. The larger the set the more expressive the color choices will be.
Gianchiglia, Andrea

BFA, University of Hartford Art School, major in illustration, minor in art history. Exhibitions: Many solo, group and juried shows at various galleries and museums in the tri-state area. Awards: has won awards for her specialty, animal portraiture. Her work is in private collections throughtout the country and is available for commissions. A member of Society of Animal Artists, Salmagundi Club, and the Catherine Lorillard Wolfe art group. Visit www.agillustration.com