Medicaid 101: MAGI and Non-MAGI Medicaid

Webinar | Available

Basic - Approved for CE

5/22/2024 (one day)

10:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Wed


Medicaid has two sets of eligibility guidelines, budgeting income and application procedures depending on the household’s demographics. Learn who qualifies and how to apply on the NY State of Health Marketplace, as well as who qualifies and how to apply at the local Medicaid office. Find out which type of managed care plans Medicaid applicants/ recipients must enroll in to access Medicaid benefits.

Contact Hours: 2.0

Director of the Benefits Plus Learning Center

Michelle has been training and supporting professionals and clients with information on public benefits for over 20 years, with a focus on health benefits. She enjoys working with providers who are committed to helping their clients in comprehensive ways, to make sure that they have all supports available.

Follow Michelle on Linkedin.