Still Life Painting with oil or Acrylic or Water-Soluble Oils

Still Life Painting with oil or Acrylic or Water-Soluble Oils

Class | Registration closed 2/12/2025

100 North Bradford Ave. West Chester, PA 19382 United States
Near Studio
Beginner / Intermediate
9:30 AM-12:30 PM EDT on Wed

Still Life Painting with oil or Acrylic or Water-Soluble Oils

Class | Registration closed 2/12/2025

In this class we will continue the age old tradition of still life painting and give it a modern twist. A variety of set ups will be used, both traditional and contemporary. Focus will be on color mixing, effects of light and atmosphere. Additionally, we will look at the masters of this genre. Experienced painters bring your supplies and a canvas for the first class.

This is a combined class with Beginner/Intermediate Drawing held in an adjacent studio Classes are small so personalized instruction is guaranteed. 

  • Colors- oil or acrylic or water soluble oils
    Alizerine Crimson Permanent Green Light
    Ultramarine Blue
    Cadmium (cad) red light Cerulean Blue
    Cad yellow light Ultramarine Violet
    Cad lemon Paynes Gray
    Yellow ochre
    Raw umber
    Burnt Umber

    Paper Palette

    If oil Paint- thinner and several jars - cannot dispose of dirty solvent
    If water based- jar for water

    Rags -A lot!!!

    Brushes- you don't have to go crazy I like filberts ( indicates the the shape)
    If using true oil paint get bristle brushes Water based can be
    synthetic Try for 3-4 different sizes

    CCAA has eases and still life set ups No working from the IPhones!!

Beth Clark