Expressionism and Abstraction
Class | Registration closed 2/12/2025
Learn the fundamentals and advanced skills of painting Expressionistically and/or Abstractly. Eo Omwake teaches each student according to their individual preferences. This is not a one size fits all approach.
Learn what creativity means, how to start, how to deepen and enrich one’s art even if you have painted for years.
All levels work together. There are specific lessons about the nuts and bolts of painting. Students work in class with pointers from Eo and an end of class critique looking at what was done during class that day.
- For those who want to paint please get the following:
Acrylic (fast drying) or water based “open” acrylics paint (slower drying)
White (titanium) large
Black large
Cad. Red
Cad. Yel
Cad. Orange
Permanent Green or Viridian
Pthalo Green
Ultramarine Blue
a vibrant purple (dioxide)
Ultramarine Blu
Quinacridone Violet
Yellow Ocre
Raw Sienna
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
palette (If acrylic get a sealable palette)
palette knife
rags (natural cloth is best)
canvas (18”x24” (or bigger) is best)
brushes (round bristles, flat bristles - big and small)
painting medium (oils) matte medium (acrylic)
jars for water or thinner
plastic cups w lids (for paint storage) (around the size of baby food jars is good)